Vandy Vape - Mesh V2 RDA


Colour(v): Stainless Steel
Sale price$44.95


Vandy Vape MV2 RDA. It comes with a 25mm diameter and 25.5mm in length. The RDA supports four types M WIRE for different vaping tastes, including 0.15ohm Dual M Coil, 0.15ohm Ni80 M Coil, 0.15ohm KA1 M Coil and 0.12ohm SS316L M Coil. Top airflow intake for anti-leaking and brings smooth airflow during the vaping. The Wondervape RDA delivers the original flavour of your e-juice and cloud vapor.

1 x M V2 RDA

1 x Squonk pin

1 x Instruction Manual

2 x Vape Cotton Laces

1 x A1 M Coil 0.15ohm

1 x Ni80 M Coil 0.15ohm

1 x Dual M Coil 0.15ohm

1 x SS316L M Coil 0.12ohm

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